Cat Popsicles | making a frozen treat for kitty

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Just like humans, frozen treats for cats are a fun, delicious way to beat the summer heat. Enter the Catsicle. These simple, DIY cat popsicles are designed with your kitty (and your cat's nutrition) in mind. Make your cat a deserving treat. Whether or not she eats the popsicle is another story. At least, she knows you tried making her life fun – and that’s what really matters.

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Three Deadly Feline Diseases | Tips On Prevention To Save Lives

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Infectious and fatal, these three diseases are known by a confusing set of initials - FeLV, FIV and FPV. Once your cat becomes ill with any of these diseases he or she will eventually die. There are no effective treatments or cures. What will save cats' lives is preventing the spread of these infections through blood testing and vaccination. All three of these infections can be carried and spread for long periods of time by cats who are harboring the viruses with no obvious symptoms of disease.

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Cats form 5 different types of relationships with their owners. Find out which one you share with your feline companion.

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Cats typically express love for their owners in a few common ways: cuddling, purring, and rubbing against you. But according to University of Lincoln researchers, these types of behaviors and how they happen signify more than just affection. The researcher team found that cats are capable of developing five different types of relationships with their owners, and how your feline friend interacts with you can help you understand which of these bonds you share.

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Tortoiseshell Cats – fun facts about the cat with ‘Tor-titude’

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Tortoiseshell cats are beautiful creatures affectionally called “torties.” Best known as “the divas of the cat world,” a tortie hides surprising facts within its unique multicolor fur. Torties are famously sassy, vocal felines with catitude. Their endless amount of energy can at times come across as being headstrong or attention-seeking from their humans.

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The Persian Cat – 8 Fun Facts

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An old breed, Persian cats make popular pets due to their calm and sweet disposition. Although Persians tend to be relaxed and easygoing, they tend to limit their affections to humans closest to them. Not your typical cat, Persian cats have unique quirks which make them all the more endearing.

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The Persian Cat – Breed Profile, Care, Diet and Nutrition

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Persian cats are the world’s oldest and most famous cat breed. The regal and docile Persian cat is characterized by their long hair, thick and luxuriant with a dense, soft undercoat, round head and flattened flace. Persians are a medium sized stocky breed with a massive head in proportion to its body.

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Cats and Grooming – Why do cats lick and groom each other?

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When you have more than one cat living together, you may have noticed one cat will begin to lick and groom another. Either the first cat will continue to groom the second on her own, or the second cat will join in, grooming the first cat’s back until the two begin licking and grooming one another for a little while.

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Bringing A New Cat Home – What to expect and avoid

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Congratulations – you have adopted a cat! Your cat’s first 24 hours in a new home can be stressful. Welcome your new cat by reducing their anxiety by giving them space, careful introductions and setting a routine.

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Introducing A New Cat To Your Dog

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Introducing a new cat to your dog can be an exciting and stressful affair. Understandably, you are a little worried about how your dog is going to take to this new arrival! Rest assured, there are ways to effectively minimise that stress and help your pets to get along together. Here are tips on how to introduce a cat to a dog, without causing too much friction.

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