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Huang with Kuro, a Ragamuffin which she rescued and finally adopted.
Why two black cats are pawsitively better than one
Aspiring actress Geraldine Huang has no issues with black cats. While black cats are typically associated with witchcaft, and bad luck, there’s much to these fur balls than the creepy stuff. Huang knows this very well as cat-mama to two black cats and a tabby.
The performance artist and key opinion leader in Singapore’s multi-channel network company Starzstruck Entertainment recently adopted a Ragamuffin which she named Kuro, as addition to her two resident felines.
Huang is also a community cat feeder in the Bedok North area. During one of her feeding rounds, Huang discovered Kuro roaming the neighbourhood with an injured tail. The cut on the black cat’s tail was a tell-tale sign that he was attacked by other community cats in the area. The fact that he was attacked by community cats meant that he is new to the estate and is likely a pet who is either lost or abandoned.
Leaving Kuro on the streets was not an option for Huang. To protect Kuro, Hwang fostered the cat while combing the neighbourhood for any notices of a lost cat.
“My intention was to rehome him if his owner doesn’t come forward. But since I was so connected to him, I decided I will give him a home instead,” shares Huang.
When no one claims Kuro, she promptly got him tested for FeLv (feline leukemia virus) and FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus).
two black cats and a bossy tabby in the house
Luckily for Huang, Kuro settled in his new home within a week. The other cats in the house Luna and Ninjin have embraced their new sibling wholeheartedly.
“They love running around, with Ninjin as the leader. Kuro and Luna are shadow buddies, always following me around the house,” she shares.
Funnily, Kuro has some peculiar rabbit-like tendencies. He loves giving Huang massages, headbutts, handbutts and even hi-5s. An avid climber, Kuro loves acting as “Spiderman”, always climbing onto the meshed windows in the house.
more abandoned cats
Huang said that today the number of abandoned cats has risen when families are overwhelmed and cannot manage when their cats multiply.
As a strong advocate for adoption, she discourages buying cats for their pedigree breeds. She likens the experience of sharing one’s home with abandoned cats as emotionally enriching and a rewarding one especially when it alleviates the problem of cat overpopulation.
“A community cat will give you the equal kind of love you gave them when you saved or adopted him.”

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